发布于:2019-04-15 10:54

歌名:in the rain (English ver.)

As I held my tiny knees,在这寂静无人的房间里
in this silent empty room,环抱双膝,形影相吊
from the windows tightly shut,视线穿过那紧闭的窗户
I could see the sky begin to cry,落到发出小小啜泣声的
with a shaking little voice,那哭泣着的天空
I was calling for you again,我再一次呼唤着你

I'll try making this the last time that I repeat your dearest name,我想这或许是我最后一次,再唤伊人之名
in the rain,在绵绵不断的雨中
I unlocked the creaking door,紧握着雨伞的我
holding my umbrella tight,在那未锁的,发出吱呀声的门旁
and I took a daring step into this hollow, cloudy world,向着那空洞而又浑浊的世界,勇敢地走去

it's the path we used to take,漫步在那条我们曾并肩而行的小路
spreading out before my eyes,看着它与你的身影一同散作云烟
I won't let the pouring rain wash away your colors left behind,我不会让那无情的大雨将你留予我最后的回忆(颜色)洗去
why am I still looking for you,为何我依然苦苦追寻着你
I know you're gone, but I can't,虽然我知道你早已离我而去,但我做不到...

let go of you I've been waiting alone to see the blue,做不到放开你,徒留我独自面对那一拥而来悲伤
breaking through the hazy clouds that fil the sky,雨滴冲破满天的乌云
looking as if it's about to fall on me any time soon,看起来似乎即将着陆于我
piercing deep into the bottom of my heart,然后它们深深地从我心底穿过,不留情分
I can only hear the cruel sound of rain,我只能听见那残酷的雨声

just echoing again,一遍遍地在脑中,inside my head,回响,回响,回响,直到回忆再次清晰浮现
so won't you please rain, rain go away,老天啊,放过遍体鳞伤的我,让这雨停下吧
my body is aching, still remembering the way you touched me,这副疼痛不堪的身躯,依然还保留着曾今你轻抚我的感觉
you're burned into my eyes that I can't forget how you smiled at me,是你,让我的双眼连同我的五脏六腑都一同为你燃烧;是我,还牢记着专属于我的你的笑颜,无法忘却
I still hear you voice that gently whispered into my ears,我还依旧能见,在耳边,你温柔的喃喃

even if I try, I'm drowning myself in you again,尽管我不断尝试忘记,可却无法阻止自己,再一次沉溺于你
..music..(你是我挥之不去的爱),why am I still thinking of you,讨厌啊...为什么我依旧对你念念不忘?
are you alone, or are you,现在的你,是孤单一人,抑或是
with someone else do you notice me, I'm calling for you here,和某人一同留意到,在这呼唤着你的我
if my tiny voice can reach to where you are,如果我那微弱的声音能够传达于你
I'll promise that I'll never let go of your hand again,我发誓,我将紧紧地握着你的手,再也不放开

I can't even feel the warmth I used to know,现在的我,甚至无法感受到那熟悉的温度
tracing deep inside my fragile, lonely heart,在这易碎而又满载孤独的内心深处,探索着你爱过我的蛛丝马迹
it's just becoming colder and it's aching,这只会让这颗日渐破碎的心更加寒冷,更加疼痛
where are you and what are you doing today,你在哪儿?今天的你,在忙着什么呢?
do you ever think of me when you're alone,想知道当你孤单一人的时候,又会不会想起我?

I'm just waiting for the sky that we saw together that day,我啊,只是独自等待那与你一同欣赏的天空,还有与我一同欣赏天空的你
if you'll let me see the blue sky one more time,如果那昔日的蓝天重现
I can try to make a smile on my face,我或许可以再一次展露笑脸
as if you were here,如果你在这里,希望你出现
as if you were here,即使我知道这只是我的一厢情愿...
so won't you please,所以老天啊,rain, rain go away,请让这雨,停下吧.....