放松  >  耳语
播放:10 万
发布于:2020-05-11 18:59

不知道你小时候听得最多的是哪些童话? 这次兔老爹我来带你读一读格林童话中白雪公主的开篇.

It was the middle of winter, and the snow-flakes were falling like feathers from the sky, and a queen sat at her window working, and her embroidery-frame was of ebony.

时值冬天,鹅毛一样的大雪从天而降,有一个王后坐她的窗子边做针线活, 她的刺绣框是黑色的乌木.

And as she worked, gazing at times out on the snow, she pricked her finger, and there fell from it three drops of blood on the snow.

她一边做针线一边抬头向  窗外望去,不小心弄破了手指,三点鲜血滴落在雪地上。

And when she saw how bright and red it looked, she said to herself, "Oh that I had a child as white as snow, as red as blood, and as black as the wood of the embroidery frame!"

当她看见点缀在白雪上的鲜红血滴时, 说道:"但愿我的孩子将来像这雪一般白, 像这学一般红, 像这刺绣框的乌一般黑!"

Not very long after she had a daughter, with a skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as ebony, and she was named Snow-white. And when she was born the queen died.

不就之后她生下一个女儿, 皮肤真的就像雪一样的白嫩,嘴唇像血一样红润,头发像乌木一样黑亮。因此她被起名为白雪公主(小白雪)。 白雪公主刚出生,她的王后妈妈就死去了。

After a year had gone by the king took another wife, a beautiful woman, but proud and overbearing, and she could not bear to be surpassed in beauty by any one.

一年后国王娶了新妻子。 这个新王后长得非常漂亮,但她骄傲自负,不能忍受任何人比她漂亮。

She had a magic looking-glass, and she used to stand before it, and look in it, and say,

"Looking-glass upon the wall,

Who is fairest of us all?"

And the looking-glass would answer,

"You are fairest of them all."






And she was contented, for she knew that the looking-glass spoke the truth. Now, Snow-white was growing prettier and prettier, and when she was seven years old she was as beautiful as day, far more so than the queen herself.

她很满意, 因为她知道事实如此。 但白雪公主慢慢地长大,变得越来越漂亮。 到了七岁时,她长得有如明媚的日光,比王后更美丽动人。

So one day when the queen went to her mirror and said,

"Looking-glass upon the wall,

Who is fairest of us all?"

It answered,

"Queen, you are full fair, 'tis true,

But Snow-white fairer is than you."





