抖森读Good God, What a night
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发布于:2021-01-10 21:22

高音质抖森读诗Good God, What a night that was,高音质抖森读诗助眠。作者 Petronius (盖厄斯·佩特罗尼乌斯·阿尔比特,公元27-66),罗马帝国朝臣/抒情诗人/小说家。

音频来源网络,由UP主Kiwi君优化音质去除底噪,现在超级舒服,来自Tom Hiddleston的催眠术,接招吧耳朵!

《Good God, What a night that was》

Good God, what a night that was,

The bed so soft, and how we clung(依偎),

Burning together, lying this way and that,

Our uncontrollable passions(无法控制的激情)

Flowing through our mouths.

If I could only die that way,

I'd say goodbye to the business of living.