【英文读诗】Love, We're Going Home Now by Pablo Neruda 聂鲁达
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发布于:2021-04-04 22:38
标签: 英文 催眠 德语


Love, We're Going Home Now

by Pablo Neruda

Love, we're going home now,

Where the vines clamber over the trellis:

Even before you, the summer will arrive,

On its honeysuckle feet, in your bedroom.

Our nomadic kisses wandered over all the world:

Armenia, dollop of disinterred honey:

Ceylon, green dove: and the YangTse with its old

Old patience, dividing the day from the night.

And now, dearest, we return, across the crackling sea

Like two blind birds to their wall,

To their nest in a distant spring:

Because love cannot always fly without resting,

Our lives return to the wall, to the rocks of the sea:

Our kisses head back home where they belong.


内夫塔利·里卡多·雷耶斯·巴索阿尔托(西班牙语:Neftali Ricardo Reyes Basoalto,1904年7月12日-1973年9月23日),笔名巴勃罗·聂鲁达(Pablo Neruda),智利外交官与诗人,1971年诺贝尔文学奖得主。
