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发布于:2024-02-12 15:38

♬ 歌曲 : Bana Ellerini Ver


今年的暑期,诸多硬核电影正在热映,比如,Barbie《芭比》,还有Oppenheimer《奥本海默》。今天,我们要聊一部中国热映的电影No More Bets《孤注一掷》。

No More Bets在中国非常火,它的票房让人震惊:1.2 billion tickets in only 4 days(4天12亿),一度超过了Barbie《芭比》。


# Comment 1

It is the “best Chinese movie ever”! 是中国最好的电影!

这部电影就像是a roller coaster ride(过山车),这说明这部电影it was very intense(感官刺激很强烈) and full of emotions(情感充沛)。

The viewer was totally hooked from the starting.

Hook 就是钩子,“hooked on something”意思是you're really interested or fascinated by it,对……非常着迷,被吊起胃口。

The viewer is also recommending others to watch it,因为 it will “open your eyes”(让你大开眼界)。

# Comment 2

这位外国网友一下就抓到了核心点:One more viewer, one less fraud victim(多一人观影,少一人受骗)。

•fraud /frɔ:d/ n. 欺诈

•victim /ˈvɪktɪm/ n. 受害者

还有网友说,this movie really offers an unprecedented look into the new types of cyber frauds。这部电影真的前所未有地揭示了新型网络欺诈(the new types of cyber frauds)的种种手段。

•unprecedented /ʌnˈpresɪdentɪd/ adj.前所未有的,史无前例的

•cyber /ˈsaɪbər/ adj. 计算机(网络)的

导演为了拍好这部电影,绝对是下了功夫。他studied over 10,000 cases (研究了上万个案件),and interviewed a variety of people(采访了大量的人) 。

The plot was inspired from real cases across China. 故事情节的灵感来自于中国各地的真实案例。

所以这部电影真的非常值得推广,就像这位外国网友说的:One more viewer, one less fraud victim。它真的踩在了“缅北诈骗”的社会热点上。在国外,cyber fraud(网络诈骗)也一直都是 a hot topic on social media(社交媒体的热点话题)。

所以,the release of the movie was very well timed(这部电影的上映非常及时),天时、地利、人和都具备了,这些都帮助这部电影取得了 a major success(巨大的成功)。

大家都在sharing their experiences with cyber fraud(分享自己受网络诈骗的经历),这让大家了解了“如同炼狱般的诈骗组织”, 非常适合全员普及,帮助我们raise awareness (提高警觉)。

# Comment 3

这位网友的评价,题目叫做review of no more bets, 下面有行红字,Warning : Spoiler(剧透预警)。

The viewer极度赞扬了张艺兴的演技,以及他的commitment to the cause(对事业的投入)。

•spoiler /ˈspɔɪlər/ n. 剧透

•commitment /kəˈmɪtmənt/ n. 奉献;投入

•cause n. 事业

The viewer really empathized with the characters. 对角色很共情。

empathize(共情)和sympathize (同情)这两个词真的很容易混。

When you empathize with someone(当你与某人共情时), you are not just understanding their feelings(你不仅理解对方的感受) but also experiencing and feeling those emotions as if they were your own(还会试图站在对方的角度,感受他们所经历的情感和经历).

It's about putting yourself in someone else's shoes. 让自己站在别人的立场上。

Sympathy(同情)同时也强调to understand and acknowledge another person's emotions(对他人情绪的理解与接受),但是it doesn't necessarily mean you're directly sharing those emotions(不一定涉及对他们情感的直接共鸣)。

•acknowledge /əkˈnɑ:lɪdʒ/ v. 认可

Sympathy(同情)是这样的,即便是you haven't personally experienced the same emotions(你个人并没有经历过同样的情绪),但你依然能recognize their pain or struggle and offer support(觉察到他们的痛苦或挣扎,并提供支持)。

