yeet mood salty GOAT tea 这些最流行的Gen-Z俚语,都是啥意思?
播客  >  知识
发布于:2024-02-13 06:27

主播:Selah | 翩翩

歌曲 : We’ll Be the Stars


1. 学习一门语言,一定要学习当下的slang 。为什么呢?

(1) Communication(交流):

Slang is often used in casual conversation(一般在非正式场合会大量使用)。

如果你are not familiar with the slang they are using(不熟悉他们使用的俚语),那么it can be difficult to fully understand what someone is saying(可能很难完全理解他们在说什么)。

(2) Culture (文化):

Slang代表了一个文化中,当下的一种pop culture (流行文化)。

Slang is often used in popular culture, such as in music lyrics or movies.


(3) Inclusion(文化包容):

你懂了他们说的俚语,那么it can help you feel more included and connected to others who share that culture or identity(它可以让你感觉更被这个文化包容,和这种文化里的人的联系更紧密)。

2. What is slang?什么是俚语?

l Slang refers to informal language that is typically used by a particular group of people or subculture. 通常是由特定群体或亚文化使用的非正式语言。

l It often consists of words or phrases that are not recognized as standard language它通常由不标准的单词或短语组成。

l It may have different meanings than their literal definitions.它可能有不同于字面意思的含义。



3. Gen-Z指什么?

Gen Z generally refers to individuals who were born between the mid-1990s and the mid-2010s

西方95后到2010年间出生的人,被称作Gen Z。


• Mobile dependency 移动依赖:这一代人常用手机

• Social media addiction 社交媒体成瘾:常使社交媒体,如 Instagram、TikTok、Snapchat等

• Short attention span注意力短暂:短平快的模式,让这一代人更难以保持注意力

• Support for social justice支持社会正义:这一代人可能更关注社会问题,如气候变化、种族平等、性别平等等

• Advocacy for self-expression倡导自我表达:这一代人强调自由、开放、自我表达和多样性


4. Gen-Z Slang西方年轻一代最流行的俚语

(1) Yeet - to throw or discard something with force, enthusiasm or excitement (用力、兴奋地扔掉或抛弃某物).


"I'm gonna yeet this old phone and get a new one, it's about time!"

我要把这个旧手机 yeet (扔掉)掉,换一个新的,是时候了!

但要注意,如果你不是Gen-Z或者native speaker,“yeet”这个slang最好还是不要用,因为别人可能理解不了你的意思。

(2) Mood - a word used to express agreement or relatability, often used as "big mood" (用于表示赞同或感同身受的词语,通常以 "big mood" 的形式使用).


• "Big mood, I could really go for some pizza right now.”

• "Big mood, I can't believe it's Monday already.”

• "When your favorite song comes on the radio, that's a big mood.”

• "Watching a movie in your pajamas on a rainy day is a big mood."

(3) Salty - upset or annoyed, often used to describe someone who is being rude or bitter (用于形容某人的举止粗鲁或带有怨恨).


"Why are you so salty today? Did something happen?”

你今天怎么这么 salty?是发生了什么事吗?

(4) Flex - to show off or boast about something (炫耀或吹嘘某事物), often used in the context of material possessions or achievements (通常在描述物质财富或成就时使用).


"I'm gonna flex my new car on Instagram, it's so shiny and cool!”

我要在Instagram 上flex(炫一下)我的新车,它很闪亮和酷炫!

(5) Stan - an obsessive fan of a particular celebrity or fandom (是对某位名人或者偶像过度狂热的粉丝 ,狂热粉).


"I'm a huge Ariana Grande stan, I've been to all her concerts!”

我是Ariana Grande的狂热粉,去过她的所有演唱会!

(6) GOAT - an acronym for "Greatest Of All Time" (“史上最伟大”的首字母缩写)


"Serena Williams is the GOAT of tennis, no doubt about it.”

Serena Williams是网球界的GOAT,毫无疑问。

(7) Bop - a catchy song or tune (一首很catchy很抓人的歌曲或曲调)


"This song is such a bop, I can't stop dancing to it!”


(8) FOMO - an acronym for "Fear Of Missing Out” ( “错过恐惧症”的首字母缩写)


"I can't miss this party, I have serious FOMO.”


(9) Basic - used to describe someone or something that's unoriginal or boring (描述某人或某事缺乏创意或乏味).


"That outfit is so basic, everyone wears the same thing.”


(10) Slay - to do something exceptionally well or with style, often used in the context of fashion or beauty (就是杀疯了,形容做某事非常出色或有风格,通常用于时尚或美容领域).


"You totally slayed that makeup look, you should start a beauty channel!”


• “She is slaying!” 她太棒了!

(11) Tea -gossip or juicy information (八卦或有趣的信息)


"Have you heard the tea about what happened at the party last night?”


(12) Clout -influence or fame, often gained through social media (影响力或名气,通常是通过社交媒体获得的)


"She gained so much clout after her Tik Tok went viral.”

她的Tik Tok视频走红后,获得了很多影响力。

(13) Savage -used to describe someone who is tough, fearless or unapologetically themselves (用来描述一个人很强硬、勇敢或是毫不掩饰自我)


"She's so savage, she won't take any nonsense from anyone.”


(14) IRL - an acronym for "In Real Life” (“在现实生活中”的首字母缩写)


• "It was great meeting you IRL, let's hang out again soon!”


• "I've been following your blog for ages, it's great to finally meet you IRL!”


• "Her pictures on Instagram look amazing, but I wonder if she's really that stunning IRL.”

