播客  >  脱口秀
发布于:2024-02-15 10:53

主播:梅莉 | 翩翩

歌曲 : Silent Night(开头)+Cold November(结尾)


Reflecting on 2022 (复盘2022)

首先,复盘过去的一年reflect on the past year。

然后,开始计划新的一年begin planning for the new year。


我们总结了12个复盘问题(12 prompts),来帮助大家进行有效的反思与总结。

You can journal along with us. You can use any notebook or note-taking device.

你可以用notebook,也可以用ipad或者PC之类的note-taking device,总之,welcome journal along with us!

下期节目我们会带大家一起plan for 2023, so keep an eye out for that!

Now let’s start reflecting on the past year!12个提示问题,开始复盘你的2022年。

prompt #1 : 2022 was a year that I …. 2022是我……的一年。

If you could sum up 2022 in one phrase or sentence, what would it be?

你会用哪个词,或者哪句话,来sum up 2022?

prompt #2: List all your highlights from 2022.列出2022年的高光时刻

这个highlights,不一定是成功或者成就,而是 all the big things that happened,或者说all of the things that you want to remember forever(你想永远记住的那些时刻)。



That way, it’s archived in your memory.它就在你的记忆中存档了。

prompt #3 : what worked in 2022?这一年,哪些事情成功了?

其实,就是:What were your wins & successes?


• strategies

• techniques

• things that you tried

that worked out for you?

这是表扬、赞美自己的时刻,celebrateyourself , “ yay me! These were my wins!”

prompt #4 : what didn’t work in 2022? 这一年的失败、错误

What were the mistakes & the failures that happened in 2022?

失败和错误其实能教会人更多。We learn more from our mistakes and failures than we do from our wins.

所以, celebrate making mistakes.犯错误的自己也值得被表扬,因为你做了,取得经验了、努力了、走出舒适区了。


prompt #5 : what did I learn in 2022?这一年,我学到了什么?


可以是人生教训( life lessons);也可以是一些practical skills (实际的技能)。比如:

• you learned a new language 学了一门新的语言

• learned how to code 学会编程

• learned how to write better学会如何写作

prompt #6 : How did I grow as a person in 2022?作为人,这一年,我是如何成长的?

• New habits? 新的习惯,推荐大家读《掌控习惯》

• New priorities? 新的优先事项

• New perspective?新的视角



prompt #7 :What’s the single biggest bottleneck to my continued growth?阻滞我持续进步的最大瓶颈是什么?

以及,why aren’t I focused on removing it?我为什么不集中精力把这个瓶颈给remove掉。

prompt #8 : Am I “spending” them? Or am I investing them?我在花费它们,还是在投资它们?

它们,指的是: my finite resources(我有限的资源),比如:

• time 时间

• energy 精力

• attention 注意力

• capital 金钱

这些有限的、宝贵的资源,你在2022年,是在spending them, 还是在investing them?

prompt #9: What things do I look back on most fondly, that brought me the most energy and joy?回首这一年,有哪些人和事,带给我力量和喜悦?

• People

• Places

• Habits

• Tasks

• Experiences

列出后,要追问一句:How can I do more of these things in 2023?


prompt # 10 : What things do I look back on less fondly, draining my energy and weighing on me throughout the year?回首这一年,有哪些人和事,消耗尽我的精力、给我巨大压力?

• People

• Places

• Habits

• Tasks

• Experiences

列出后,要追问一句:How can I do fewer of these things in 2023?


prompt # 11: What’s on my “best of ”list?2022年度,我的最佳清单?

• Best of books 最佳书籍

• Best of events 最佳活动

• Best of Articles最佳文章

• Best of Podcasts 最佳播客

• Best of Purchases最佳购置

• Best of New habits 最佳习惯

prompt # 12: What about 2022 am I most grateful for?这一年,我最感恩的事

Tie in reflections with gratitude(把反思跟感恩联系起来),come back to the mindset of gratitude(会帮助你回归感恩的思维),尤其是当你这一年对自己不是很满意的时候(especially if you felt really critical of yourself)。


这也是为什么,我们要让一年的反思与总结以感恩结尾,wrap it up with gratitude。

希望听完今天的节目之后,大家都能花时间好好跟2022年告个别,do your reflection on your 2022。


Stay tuned for the next podcast!
