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发布于:2024-02-18 07:31

主播:梅莉 | 翩翩

歌曲 : You Are Not Alone

今天,我们来聊一个 historical event(历史性事件)——Queen Elizabeth’s Funeral(女王伊丽莎白的葬礼)。

女王的葬礼是国际性的大事,there are some moments that history will remember(有很多可以载入史册的时刻)。我们一起来回顾一下,被全球关注的女王葬礼上,5大历史性时刻。

The first historical moment:

Leaders from more than 100 countries around the world were invited to London for the funeral. 全球100多个国家的领导人被邀请参加葬礼。

Also many reigning sovereigns from across Europe (欧洲很多在位的君主)也被邀请了。

As well as from royal houses in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Oceania.非洲、亚洲的皇室也被邀请了。

*reign /reɪn/ v. 当政,统治

*sovereign /ˈsɑ:vrɪn/ n. 君主;最高统治者

*表示“还有”“以及”,可以说“also”,还可以用“as well as”表达

我们看一下完整的句子,感受一下“also”“as well as”的用法:

Leaders from more than 100 countries around the world were invited to London for the funeral and also many reigning sovereigns from across Europe, as well as from royal houses in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Oceania.

The second historical moment:

The flowers placed on top of the coffin女王灵柩上放的花

这些花,不是从花店买来的random flowers,而是来自the garden’s of the Buckingham Palace(白金汉宫的花园),以及其他的 royal residences(皇家住所)。

女王灵柩花束中,还包括flowers which were grown from the flowers she had in her wedding bouquet(女王75年前婚礼的手捧花)。这些手捧花,被移植到王室花园中,这些花的后代,被挑选出来,放到了女王的灵柩上,果真是意义非凡。

*coffin /ˈkɔ:fɪn/ n. 棺材;灵柩

*residence /ˈrezɪdəns/ n. 住宅,住所

*bouquet /buˈkeɪ/ n. 花束(wedding bouquet 新娘捧花)

The third historical moment:

Royal family women wore special jewelry. 皇室女子都佩戴着特殊珠宝。

因为这些珠宝had a special connection to the Queen(和女王有特殊的联系)。

儿媳妇Camilla, Queen Consort(卡米拉王后),带的是一个名叫Hesse Diamond Jubilee Brooch的brooch(胸针)。这枚胸针,属于the royal family collection (皇室收藏品)。

孙媳妇 Catherine, Princess of Wales(凯特王妃)佩戴的是a pearl choker and pearl earrings(一个珍珠项链和一对珍珠耳环)。这两个,是女王和戴安娜王妃曾经佩戴过的。

孙媳妇Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex(梅根)佩戴的是a pair of earring which were gifted to her by the Queen(一对女王送的耳饰)。

The princess Charlotte of Whales(夏洛特小公主)戴的是a diamond horseshoe brooch(马蹄形的小钻石胸针),这个胸针是女王送给她的。

This is how the royal ladies used jewelry to pay poignant tribute to the queen.


*brooch /broʊtʃ/ n. 胸针,饰针

*choker /ˈtʃoʊkər/ n. (贴颈的)短项链

*earring /ˈɪrɪŋ/ n. 耳环;耳饰

*poignant /ˈpɔɪnjənt/ adj. 悲惨的;辛酸的

*tribute /ˈtrɪbju:t/ n. 致敬;悼念

The fourth historical moment:

女王的两条爱犬,在葬礼这天,were waiting for the cortege(早早地等候着送行的队伍)

女王那匹叫Emma的小马,while the coffin was driven past(当女王灵柩经过时),也是was on the side of the road。


* cortege /kɔːrˈteʒ/ n. 行列,随从

The fifth historical moment:

Remembering the Queen, singing for the King. 纪念女王,为国王歌唱。

英国当地时间周一9月19号,这一天was all about remembering and celebrating the Queen,成为国葬日。


The congregation rose to sing the national anthem全体起立唱国歌的瞬间。

因为从这个时候开始,国歌换了,it was “God save the King” and not “God save the Queen” anymore。

随着伊丽莎白二世的辞世,在历经70年7个月零2天后,《天佑吾王》(God Save the King) 取代《天佑女王》(God Save the Queen),成为大不列颠新的 national anthem(国歌)。

*congregation /ˌkɑ:ŋɡrɪˈɡeɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 教堂会众

*anthem /ˈænθəm/ n. 国歌(national anthem 国歌)

女王的葬礼,成了全世界人民关注的事件,hundreds of millions of people watched the funeral event on televisions, radio and online(世界各地去不了英国的,就看直播)。

People also travelled to London to pay their last respects and catch a glimpse of the Queen’s cortege. 很多人会大老远的跑到伦敦,给女王致以最后的敬意,有的则是看女王最后一眼。贝克汉姆就排队十余小时来瞻仰女王灵柩,并且一度悲伤拭泪。

*pay one’s last respects 致以最后的敬意

*catch a glimpse 看……一眼

这是一个让所有人come together的日子,是the final moment of national mourning(全国最后的哀悼时刻),是a collective moment to remember the life of one woman(是一个纪念一个女人生命的集体时刻)。