英语话端午 | 祝大家端午安康
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发布于:2024-06-09 21:52

♬主播:Flora(中国)+ Erin(美国)


今天,我们来聊一聊端午节(the Dragon Boat Festival)。

01 端午节的历史(History of the Dragon Boat Festival)

The Dragon Boat Festival has a long history (历史悠久) that dates back over 2,000 years (有2000多年的历史了). Many Westerners are amazed by the ancient traditions (古老的传统) and cultural depth (文化深度) of this festival.

•date back 追溯到

•ancient /ˈeɪnʃənt/ adj. 古老的

It’s really funny, when they learn that the Dragon Boat Festival has been celebrated since the time of Qu Yuan (听说端午节从屈原时代就开始庆祝了), they often draw comparisons (比较) like, “While the Roman Empire (罗马帝国) was at its peak (处于鼎盛时期), the Chinese were already celebrating this festival (中国人就已经开始庆祝这个节日了)!”

•draw comparison: 进行比较

•peak n. 巅峰

It’ s truly incredible (不可思议) to think about the longevity (持久) and continuity (连续性) of such traditions. 其实,正是因为中华优秀传统文化代代相传、源远流长,我们才会至今仍然庆祝端午节。

•longevity /lɔ:nˈdʒevəti/ n. 持久

•continuity /ˌkɑ:ntɪˈnu:əti/ n. 连续性,连贯性

02 端午节的起源(The origin of the Dragon Boat Festival)

It begins with Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet (爱国诗人) who drowned (溺死) himself in a river as a protest against (抗议) corruption.

•protest v.(公开)反对,抗议

Locals raced out in boats to save him (当地人乘船要去救屈原) or at least retrieve (找回) his body, and this tradition evolved into (演变成) the dragon boat races today (今天的龙舟比赛). 这就是“赛龙舟”的由来了。

•race out匆忙离开

•retrieve /rɪˈtri:v/ v. 找回

The people in order to not let the fish and shrimp (为了不让鱼虾) in the river to eat Qu Yuan's body (损伤屈原的躯体), they threw food wrapped in (裹在) bamboo tubes (竹筒) into the river. 这就是我们最早的粽子——“筒粽”的由来了。

•wrap /ræp/ v. 包,裹

•tube n. 管状物

Speaking of dragon boat races (说到赛龙舟), many Westerners find it fascinating (吸引人的) that people commemorate (怀念) Qu Yuan’s death by eating zongzi and racing boats (人们通过吃粽子和赛龙舟来纪念屈原).

•commemorate /kəˈmeməreɪt/ v. 纪念

在很多西方人看来,这样的做法可能sound a little silly,因为他们会觉得throwing food into the river won’t stop the fish from eating Qu Yuan's body. But every cultural tradition has its own rationale (每个文化的传统都自有它的道理)。主播Flora反而觉得这体现了人们对这位伟大诗人的love and respect(敬爱与尊重)。

•rationale /ˌræʃəˈnæl/ n. 根据

When we focus on (聚焦于) Western culture, the Christmas traditions (圣诞传统) are quite unique, too – like a jolly old man (一个喜气洋洋的老爷爷) sliding down chimneys (滑下烟囱) to deliver gifts (送礼物). Every culture has its own “holiday logic (逻辑)”.

•jolly /ˈdʒɑ: li/ adj. 愉快的,高兴的

•slide /slaɪd/ v. 滑落

03 咸粽(Savory Zongzi)vs甜粽(Sweet Zongzi)

One of the main traditions of the festival (这个节日的主要传统之一) is making and eating zongzi, which are sticky rice (糯米) dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves (竹叶). They are so delicious (美味)!

•sticky /ˈstɪki/ adj. 黏性的

There are so many varieties as well (有很多不同的种类). For example, in the south, you’ll find savory (咸味的) zongzi filled with pork (猪肉) or salted egg yolk (咸蛋黄), which are Erin’s favorite.

•savory /ˈseɪvəri/ adj. 咸味的

•variety /vəˈraɪəti/ n. 种类

•yolk /joʊk/ n. 蛋黄

In the north, people often prefer (更喜欢) zongzi filled with red bean paste (红豆馅) or dates (红枣馅). Each region has its own unique twist after all (每个地区都会有自己独特的风情).

•paste n. 糊状物

•red date n. 红枣

•twist n. 变化

Among them, the red date zongzi, or枣粽 (zao zong) is special. The name sounds like “early success” - “早中” in Chinese, making it a popular treat (非常受欢迎) during the high school entrance exams (高考), as it symbolizes (象征) wishing students good luck (祝学生们好运).

•symbolize /ˈsɪmbəlaɪz/ v. 象征

今年的端午节正值高考之际,一席在这里祝广大考生(all candidates)金榜题名,考入自己理想学府(we wish all candidates the admission to your desired schools)!

不管你吃没吃“枣粽”都祝大家“早中”(We wish you all early success)!

•candidate /ˈkændɪdət/ n. 应试者

•admission n. 准许加入

•desired adj. 想得到的

In addition, the popularity (流行) of zongzi has even made its way to (传到) social media platforms (社交媒体平台) like TikTok (抖音).

People from different countries all gather to (聚集) watch creators (创作者) make zongzi, and everyone is craving this delicious delicacy (美味佳肴).

•crave v. 渴望

•delicacy /ˈdelɪkəsi/ n. 佳肴

Erin saw some really interesting comments (看到了一些非常有趣的评论), like “It looks like a shark tooth (很像鲨鱼的牙齿), thank you for the recipe (食谱)!”.

Another one says, “Wow, Chinese tamales (玉米粽)! I want some.” Tamale is a traditional food of Central America (中美洲的传统食物). 玉米粽也叫墨西哥粽,它和粽子有一些相似之处,所以有网友说这是“中国的玉米粽”。

It’s really cool to see people of all different cultures talking about how zongzi remind (使想起) them of certain foods from their own culture!

端午节除了吃粽子之外,我们还会tie colorful strings around children’s wrists(在手腕上系五彩绳)for protection(寻求保护),wear fragrant sachets(佩香囊)to ward off evil,hang mugwort and calamus (挂艾草和菖蒲) to purify the air (净化空气)。

•sachet /sæˈʃeɪ/ n. 香囊

•ward off v. 避开,挡住

•mugwort /ˈmʌɡˌwɜ: rt/ n. 艾叶

•calamus /ˈkæləməs/ n. 菖蒲

•purify v. 使(某物)洁净

04 赛龙舟(Dragon Boat Racing)走向国际

Besides the culinary delights (美食佳肴), there is another popular activity is dragon boat racing (赛龙舟). 赛龙舟现在已经成为了一项international sport(国际运动),而且还在世界各地举办competitions(比赛)。

•culinary /ˈkʌlɪneri/ adj. 烹饪的

•delight n. 乐事

It’s amazing to see how this ancient festival has evolved (这个古老的节日是如何演变而来的) and been embraced globally (被全球接受).

•evolve v.(使)逐渐演变

•embrace v. 拥抱;欣然接受

There’s a saying that goes, “Watching dragon boat races in New York, eating zongzi in Paris - that’s the global village (在纽约看龙舟比赛,在巴黎吃粽子,原来地球村真的是一个村子).”

05 Globalization of the Festival: Globalization of Culture (节日全球化——文化全球化)

The way the Dragon Boat Festival has been adopted (采用) internationally truly reflects (反应) the cultural globalization (文化全球化) we’re witnessing (见证) today.

有人说:端午节就像一个会飞的粽子(the Dragon Boat Festival has become like a flying zongzi)——从中国出发(starting from China),裹上各国风味(it’s wrapped in flavors from around the world),最后带着更加丰富的口味又回到中国(returns to China with even richer tastes)。

•flavor n. 味(道)

有人担心粽子会失去原味,但是越来越多样的粽子恰恰体现了中华文化的包容性(the inclusiveness of Chinese culture)。After all, if we can accept zongzi with all sorts of fillings (馅), why not a pizza zongzi (披萨粽子)?

Flora said if they ever come out with (推出) pizza stuffed zongzi, she’ll definitely try them (她一定会尝试). Because she loves zongzi but she loves pizza as well.

come out with v. 把……投入市场

Flora觉得推出并且尝试不同口味的粽子不但不会失去我们传统的味道,反而可以让更多的人了解并喜欢上粽子(trying different flavors of zongzi will only make us like them more)。

西方对中国传统节日的看法是多元(diverse)且动态(ever-changing)的。从最初的陌生(unfamiliarity)、有误解(misunderstandings),到现在的欣赏(appreciation)和参与(participation),这一变化反映了中国在国际舞台上地位的提升(China’s growing influence on the global stage)。


